What’s Your Story?

Everyone has a story! What’s yours? Perhaps something resonates in your heart, that there is more to your relationship with the Lord. Perhaps deep within you there is a hurt, an area of darkness, or perhaps you sense that something is pulling you in downward spiral. Years have passed since a tragedy or a hurtful incident, yet it seems as if it was last week. Time heals no wounds. Many people have been serving the Lord for years, yet an unseen force seems to be holding them back.


Because of the hurt and trauma in your personal experience, internal brokenness weighs heavily on you causing an inferior quality of life that requires Inner Healing to bring restoration. Ask yourself, do I need inner healing?


Perhaps sexual indiscretion opened your heart to destructive Soul Ties that had to be broken. Ask yourself, do I need to have soul ties broken?


A Falsehood Belief System based on hurt, trauma, the lies of the devil, and negative life experiences causes you to believe and expect the worst for the future. Ask yourself, do I embrace and believe the lies of the enemy?


Quite possibly your bloodline contains Generational Curses because of the iniquitous patterns of your ancestors, which were subsequently replicated in your life. Ask yourself, have I seen generational curses play out in my life?


Generational curses, hurts, trauma, an ungodly belief system, and your own personal sin works together to form Strongholds in the soul. Ask yourself, do I have strongholds in my heart?


Demonic oppression became evident in their lives, apparent by their unexplained and unresolvable circumstances. Ask yourself, do I need to be set free from demonic oppression?


My desire is for you to receive and experience all that Jesus died to provide on the Cross of Calvary. If you had known about the deliverance and inner healing process, your life could have been radically different today!


Are you curious about the biblical teaching on deliverance and inner healing? Perhaps you presently serve in your church, perhaps even in leadership, but you are aware of unresolved issues in your life. Or, as a pastor, you are concerned about the repetitive patterns of behavior you have observed in your people and have seen that traditional counseling hasn’t worked. Maybe you are a parent concerned that your family background will bring undesirable spiritual elements into the lives of your children.


Possibly, you are engaged to be married and want to make sure that generational issues won’t destroy your dreams of a better future. Wherever you find yourself in this season of life, the teaching on deliverance and inner healing contains truths that can unlock the blessings of the Lord in your life. It can take you to greater levels in the Kingdom. It has power to release you to fulfill your ultimate purpose in life!


For an in-depth study from a biblical perspective, read Deliverance on Purpose – Power Principles that Unlock your Destiny. Available on Amazon!

How DayStream helps you walk in Freedom

Fast Lane to Freedom Online Course

A 7-session online course where you will receive understanding to obtain the keys for deliverance and experience the power of the Holy Spirit to be free. 

Counseling Session

All guidance, counsel, and advice given is based on Scriptural principles and Christian biblical standards contained in the Holy Bible, the written Word of God. All of our meetings are under the direction and control of the Holy Spirit of God.

The Freedom Seminar

An in person gathering to train and equip you in deliverance. This seminar is taught over the weekend and takes us into a deep journey for freedom in Christ. The seminar includes times of personal ministry and deliverance prayer.